Totem Pharmacy Informative Blog Series

Start the year with a fresh focus on your eye health. Learn about the importance of check-ups eye care habits. The eye is a delicate organ which requires delicate care. The importance of regular eye checks can never be overemphasized. 80% of all the blindness in the world is caused by preventable eye diseases. This means that 8 out of every 10 blind persons should have not been blind provided that the right thing was done.

Many of these cases are due to negligence and carelessness, some due to accessibility to eye care, some due to lack of financial, but a large number of these cases are due to lack of awareness of the problem itself and also mis or self diagnosis. There are eye conditions that do not present early symptoms. There are some that do not present any symptoms at all. They only manifest in the end stages which is the stage of loss of vision, and in most cases it is usually too late at this time. It then means that there are millions of people with such eye conditions and they don’t know about it. The only way to find this out and arrest it quickly is by having regular eye exams. Some uncorrected refractive errors especially in growing children result in permanent reduces vision in these individuals as the grow older.

The use of unprescribed eye medications also lead to permanent loss of vision. Some medications that temporarily relieve certain eye symptoms that people may have, have long time damaging effect on vision. So, it is very obvious that one major key to having a healthy eye and maintaining a good eye sight is to have regularly eye checks and have good eye care habits.
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